I left my laptop at the studio yesterday...  and, I was exhausted from a very long weekend.  So, I decided I would do two topics today.

Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member

Amy Kolz - I have blogged about her several times: here and here.   She was the silent nudge that pushed me to do this.  She was a strangerer I stumbled upon, and I have followed and connected with her ever since.  She checks in with me from time to time and we stay in touch through FB.  I will forever owe to her the release I have found through pursuing my passions.  Thanks Amy! ; )

A few others - some are big names, some are not - but, I follow and check in on them often.  They are all different types of people.  Creative, Photographers, Mother's, Father's, DIYers, Writers, and some are all of these :)  There are my favorites, and I am a regular reader - and a big fan. 

Lil Blue Boo

Miss Mustard Seed

Diapers and Daisies

Single Dad Laughing

Under the Sycamore

Finding Joy

The Daily Balance

Brining The Sunshine

Marc and Angel


Day 6: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

I am an ISO Coordinator for my 9-5'er for a manufacturing company that makes air dryers. They sell internationally and I was hired to obtain and manage their International Organization of Standards Certification.  It comes with it's own challenges, but I enjoy it and it is close to home.   All of the other hours of my life I am a Mommy and a Partner with John.  I am a Photographer, Blogger, Designer, Furniture Painter, Hoarder / Collector, and basically anything else I decide to dabble in.  Most of all, I am a dreamer and a planner.  I dream big, and I plan every move.  It doesn't always work - but, I find love (and hate) in the trying.  I am happy with giving something my time - if it works; great!  If it doesn't, that's great too.  Either way, I learn, and to me that is success.  I can never fail if I always try.  And that is what I do :)

photo by Chris Bland


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